豊田章男 米国バブソン大学卒業式スピーチ


豊田章男 氏 米国バブソン大学卒業式スピーチ 「さあ、自分だけのドーナツを見つけよう」

トヨタ社長、Babson College celebrates スピーチ


Thank you to Babson for inviting me here today. President Healey, Chair Capozzi, Provost Rice, Dean Rolleg, Members of the Governing Boards, parents, spouses, friends, babies, and my fellow graduates... It is my extreme honor to speak to you today as Babson College celebrates its 100th anniversary.


I know that some of you may be sitting there, stressed out about where you will work after graduation. You may be wondering what company will offer you a job. Well, let me take that worry off the table for you right now, and offer each and every one of you a job at Toyota!.... I haven't actually cleared that with my HR department yet, but I'm sure it will be ok.


So now that the employment issue has been solved, let's talk about more important things, like how you plan to celebrate this momentous occasion. I mean, how wild is tonight's party going to get? And more importantly, can I come? But I can't stay out too late because tomorrow is the finale of "Game of Thrones."


Really figure out what makes you happy in life, what brings you joy. When I was a student here, I found joy...in donuts. American donuts were a joyful, astonishing discovery. I want to encourage all of you to find your own donut. Find what makes you happy, and don't let go.




Don't be boring. Enjoy life. (退屈な人になるな。人生を楽しめ)

Success is nothing if you are not happy. (成功しても、幸せでなかったら意味がない)

Find something that makes you happy. (あなたを幸せにしてくれるものを見つけなさい)

Think as if you were running a startup. (初心を忘れず、常にスタートアップの会社を経営しているようなつもりでいろ)


Because if you do the right thing, the money will follow.(正しいことをしていれば、お金は後からついてくる)

Try new things, even if you're old.(いくら年を取っても、常に新しいことに挑戦しなさい)

The point is you've always got to be learning something new, no matter how old you are. Never give up being a student, because being a student is the best job you will ever have.


Don't worry about being cool. Be warm. (カッコつけて、クールであろうとするよりも、温かい人でありなさい)

Decide what you stand for.(あなたがどんな価値を大切にしたいのかを決めなさい)


I hope your era is one filled with beautiful harmony, much success, and many, many donuts. 



トラックバックURL: http://mt.s-kawano.net/mt-tb.cgi/322


| コメントする

The point is you’ve always got to be learning something new, no matter how old you are. Never give up being a student, because being a student is the best job you will ever have.
Don’t worry about being cool. Be warm. (カッコつけて、クールであろうとするよりも、温かい人でありなさい)
Decide what you stand for.(あなたがどんな価値を大切にしたいのかを決めなさい)
I hope your era is one filled with beautiful harmony, much success, and many, many donuts.


月別 アーカイブ


このページは、blogskawano.netが2019年6月27日 08:22に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「江戸時代 お金と経済のしくみ」です。

